Author Guidelines

    1. Articles which will be submitted in Al-Hashif is the education and Islamic Education.
    2. Journal an original work not containing plagiarism and is a summary of scientific papers of research that have not been published or not in the process of publishing.
    3. Articles are written in Indonesian with the following conditions: A4 paper size, reviewleft margin 2.5 cm, top 3 cm, right 2.5 cm, bottom 3 cm, typed with space 1. 15 using Garamod font type 12pt.
    4. Author have to follow the style guide of Al-Hashif Journal of Education and Islamic Education
    5. Articles are written with systematics as follows: a. Title : The title of the article is written not more than 13-16 words, writen using TNR-14 Bold, Justify .
    6. Author Identity :
    • Author Identity, full name of author without title typed below the article title. If the author of more than one person, then added the next row.
    • Institution : Originally institutions /agencies, written in the name of the institution where working
    • Email address, write the email address is still active and is written under the origin of institutions / agencies.
    • TNR 11 pt, 1 Space
    • Abstrak : written in language English, typed with space 1 using Garamod font type 12 pt, Writen 1 Paragraph, 150-200 words, keyyworsd: 3 to 5 words

     Abstract contains background of problem, problem, research purpose, method, result, and implication of research. Abstract consists of one paragraph with 150-200 words.

    Keywords consist of 3-5 words or phrases. These keywords are required for computerization, the search convenience of title and abstract

    1. Introduction : The introduction should include the background of the issue,

    relevant literature about the issue, the aim of the research, and gap analysis with recent research or the novelty of the research. It is not recommended to put tables and figures in introduction. In doing citations (name, year) to use reference manager applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote style.

    1. Research Methods: Are the means used by the author to answer the existing research problem. The method must clear with the location and time of the research, the population and sample of the research, the research variables and the research data. Describe the basic procedures used during the study, including selection of study subjects and observational and analytical methods.  
    2. Result and discussion : contains results obtained by the author during the research. The results of the research submitted in advance as a whole, which continues by doing the process of discussion. The discussion is presented systematically from general, then leads to the specific. This section of the discussion must contain the benefits of the results of the study, not the repetition. The analysis must answer the stated gaps.

    Discussion part should be longer than the introduction. The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research questions; (2) show how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret the findings obtained; (4) link research findings with other studies; and (5) bring up new theories or modification of existing theories. The consistency of the article from the title to the discussion must be considered. There is no need to separate the result and discussion in the form of new chapters/sub-chapters. he results of the research can be supplemented with tables, images, or graphs to clarify the results of the research. All tables, images, and graphs must be centered and numbered sequentially.

    1. Conclusion : The conclusion is the short answers to the problem formulation (research question) and encompasses the essence of the discussion. It is written in the form of narrative, not in numbering. Emphasis is on the novelty of discovery or development and suggestions are given on the basis of research results. h. Acknowledgements

    Giving thanks for the research that has been carried out for data collection, the time and place of research and the contribution of agencies.

         i. References
    • All the served data or quotes in the article taken from the other author articles should attach the reference sources.
    • All references used must be taken from the main source (national and international reputable scientific journals indexed by SINTA and Scopus) and at least 70% of the reference amount used,
    • Writing citations and bibliography should use application management references such as Mendeley.
    • References of your manuscript must be up to date (in the last5 years).
    • Number of references at least 30 references.
    • Wikipedia, personal blogs, and nonscientific websites are not allowed to be used as references